Healthcare Quality
Evidence-informed health: post COVID-19 lessons
During COVID-19 pandemic, evidence became a daily discussion matter not only for healthcare professionals but also for the general society. How could healthcare agencies take this opportunity to shift from EBM to evidence informed decision-making (EIDM) in health?
“The ability to adapt and to self manage, in the face of social, physical and emotional challenges” 13
“Medical advances based on rigorous evidence have helped to chart a route out of the pandemic. The rapid trials of vaccines were spectacular successes, and well-run trials of possible treatments have shown, for instance, that some steroids help to fight COVID-19, but the drug hydroxychloroquine does not. Many physicians point to the United Kingdom’s RECOVERY trial as archetypal in showing how quick action and simple protocols make it possible to conduct a large clinical trial in a crisis. And researchers have launched ‘living’ systematic reviews that are constantly updated as research emerges — essential in a fast-moving disease outbreak.” 16
M.D., Lisbon Faculty of Medicine, 2010. Ph.D., Medicine/Immunology, Lisbon Faculty of Medicine, 2018. PGDip., Health Management, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, 2019. Internal Medicine Specialist. Assistant Professor, Lisbon Faculty of Medicine. Director, Health Quality Department, Directorate-General of Health, 2018-2022. Chair, COVID-19 National Immunization Technical Advisory Group, 2020-2022. Author of more than 100 communications, articles, and book chapters.
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