A 60-year-old male patient goes to his general practitioner because he wants to start exercising on a regular basis. He refers productive cough in the mourning and dyspnoea for intense efforts for 2 years.
He recently has had one episode of flu like symptoms, although he had been treated with antibiotics. A chest X-ray has been reported as normal.
On physical exam bilateral wheezing and expiratory time prolongation are noted. He is a non-smoker but is exposed to tabaco smoke in his work.
No other relevant previous medical records.
Learning goals
COPD diagnosis
COPD classification and stratification
Treatment plan
Key medicines
Short-acting beta2 agonists (SABAs)
Long-acting beta2 agonists (LABAs)
Short-acting antimuscarinic antagonists (SAMAs)
Long-acting antimuscarinic antagonists (LAMAs)
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS)
Phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitors
Golden Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Golden Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (2021 Report). 2021.